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Our Orchestra
Before the Camp Fire of 2018 destroyed nearly the entire Town of Paradise, California, it was a small mountain community (population: 27,000) located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, about 90 miles north of the capitol, Sacramento. In 1958, Paradise Recreation District Director Harvey Roth placed a notice in the Paradise News Press inviting local musicians to meet with him. He hoped to organize a symphony in our small town. Eight people responded to his request and the Paradise Community Orchestra was born. Since that time, eight conductors have overseen the growing orchestra which before the fire, consisted of over 50 members, and the Paradise Community Orchestra became the Paradise Symphony Orchestra, with a Paradise Symphony Society and Board to oversee the administration and organization of its activities. The Symphony hosts an annual audition opportunity for aspiring young musicians called the “Arlene Harms Young Artist Competition.” The winners in each of two age categories will be asked to perform with the Paradise Symphony on our Spring concert. Auditions are usually held in February.
As the Orchestra has grown over the years, the appreciation of the Community has also increased, and the Orchestra has become a mainstay of the Community. Of course, maintaining a quality symphony orchestra requires extensive resources in people and funding. Attendance at the concerts, while it has also grown significantly, does not provide all of the required funding to support the Orchestra. Other funding is provided through commercial Sponsorship, individual Society Membership, and a Fundraiser held in February. If you are a Business Owner, we invite you to visit our sponsorship opportunities on the Sponsorship Page and take advantage of the advertising opportunities in sponsoring the Orchestra. If you are a community member and enjoy excellent, uplifting and inspiring symphonic music, we invite you to consider supporting your orchestra by attending our events and becoming a member of the Paradise Symphony Society. Visit the Membership Page for details. We are planning a full season of Concerts and a Fundraiser for the Concert year 2024-2025, including an exciting annual 4th of July concert FREE of charge as a gift to the community in celebration of our country! Your continued financial support is therefore extremely important. Check this website frequently for updates on our fundraiser and concert plans.
The PSS Board also needs volunteers to help with the administration of Board activities, and support of concerts. Visit the Volunteer Opportunities on the Membership Page.
What We Do
Concerts & Fundraisers
For the 2024-2025 Season we will present four scheduled events/concerts. It began with “Honoring Our Country” held July 4, 2024.
“THE BEST OF BROADWAY” Series Presents: “Hunchback of Notre Dame” The full production
Oct. 26 – 27 & Nov. 2 – 3 2024 7:30 pm Saturdays and 2:00 pm Sundays
Dec. 8, 2024 3:00 pm
“Carnival of The Animals”
April 27, 2025
Please stay tuned for information about future fundraiser events!
Contact us
Orchestra Openings
We have openings for the following instruments:
String Bass
Violin I
Violin II
Outstanding young musicians from Elementary school age up through High School are invited to audition for the Arlene Harms Young Artist Competition, and an opportunity to perform with the Paradise Symphony Orchestra. This season’s auditions will be held on February 4, 2025.
Select the button below to obtain an application. Additional information is available on the Events page under Concerts.
Mentorship Program
The Paradise Symphony Orchestra invites qualified musicians of all ages to apply for membership in our mentoring program. We are currently taking applications for mentorship in the string sections of the orchestra.
Our Conductor
Dr. Lloyd Roby is the Conductor of the Paradise Symphony Orchestra. His love of the Paradise Orchestra stems from the people he has the pleasure of working with in the orchestra, the Symphony Board of Directors, and the many wonderful Community members he has met at PSO functions. “The Board and musicians work so hard and accomplish so much – and the community is so very supportive!” he says enthusiastically. He and his wife Nancy have built a new home in Paradise.
He has a lifelong love of orchestral music. After a brief stint in the Army, he enrolled at Duquesne University where he earned a Bachelor of Science in Music Education and prepared for a career in music performance. He also earned his Master of Music from Northwestern University, and his Doctor of Music from Indiana University, graduating with Honors and an extended membership in Phi Kappa Lambda, the national Music Honorary association.

As an instrumentalist, he has performed with the Glenn Miller Orchestra, the Tommy Dorsey Band, Woody Herman’s Thundering Herd, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, the Pittsburgh Symphony, the Sacramento Symphony Orchestra, the Redding Symphony, the Paradise Symphony and entertainers such as the Temptations, Ray Charles, Barry Manilow, Bob Hope, Glen Campbell, Steve Martin, Engelbert Humperdinck, the O’Jays, Vic Damone, Don Rickles, Charo, and others.
Dr. Roby continues to perform as soloist or in Low Brass sections in Northern California with the North State Symphony, the Shasta Symphony Orchestra, the Bird Cage Theatre, InConcert Sierra Orchestra, Sierra Nevada Winds, the California Music Educators Association State Conference, the Grass Valley Paleobones and Community Bands of Chico, Oroville, and Paradise.
Lloyd recently retired as the Low Brass Specialist and Director of Secondary Music Education at California State University, Chico since 1995. During that time, he started or reinstated CSUC’s Low Brass Choir, Pep Band, Wind Ensemble, and String Ensemble. In addition, he has directed the Concert Band and taught classes in Music Theory, Aural Techniques, Basics of Music, Music Appreciation, and Conducting.
As a public educator, he taught several years at elementary and secondary settings in Illinois and Florida. Prior to coming to Chico, he taught at Indiana Wesleyan University. For additional information on Dr. Roby’s career and accomplishments see his complete biography.
Our Awards
PSS Board wins Association of California Symphony Orchestras (ACSO) MVP Volunteer Award for 2021.
This award honors the all volunteer PSS Board for “exemplary volunteers, volunteer projects, and volunteer organizations that support symphony orchestras and classical music organizations.” Sarah Weber, ACSO Executive Director, states, “We are incredibly proud of the awardee and what they have accomplished in the face of great uncertainty during the past two years.”
Winner of the 2012 Outstanding Organization for California Association of Recreation and Parks Districts
This award honors a public or private club or special interest group that has made a significant contribution to a District recreation or park program.
The California Association of Recreation and Parks Districts (CARPD) is comprised of districts extending from San Diego to Mt. Shasta. We were nominated for this statewide recognition by our Paradise Recreation and Parks department who founded us in 1958.
Thanks go to Mike Trinca, former director of the Paradise Recreation and Parks Department for nominating us for this honor and for all the support the PRPD has given us through the years.
Concerts Given
There have been 4 to 6 concerts given each year since the formation of the symphony in 1958.
Years in operation
hours of music
Our Sponsors